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  cloud service solution  
  Security  &  Privacy SP7  
  What is SP7  
  SP7 Use Image  
  Proposed Uses of SP7  
  Development of SP7  
  product of SP7  
  SP7 Use Image  
  What do you do to safely store important items?  
  One method is to use a bank’s safety deposit box.  
  Safety deposit boxes  
    1. Are strong against disasters and breaking in  
    2. May only be accessed after close examination  
    3. Require the use of a specific key to open  
    4. Utilize cameras that observes the room  
  And thus are protected by many safety measures and security management systems that eliminate risk.  
  How about electronic data?    
  Amidst the increasingly progressing cloud network, news of information leakage is not uncommon.  
  Therefore, to use a safe and secure cloud service,  
  SP7 secures safety that matches that of safety deposit boxes.  
    1. Giving consideration to disasters and machine malfunctions, a redundant server is used  
    2. Logging in to the server requires authentication by a changing electronic key  
    3. The data encrypted and stored by a specific-purpose electronic encryption key uses the same key for decryption  
    4. A log of all activity is kept  
  Additionally, using encryption technology, a technology that safely sends keys to groups has been developed. This constructs an environment where multi-user groups can safely and securely share information by eliminating the risk of password leaks through email interception because the exchanging of passwords becomes unnecessary when exchanging encrypted files.  
  In other words, safety deposit boxes can be shared among “families” and “companies” without reducing the level of security.